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Change is Good

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I thought her name was Emma! Sorry, but Zoey is a stinker...mostly because it's been used already. Baby Blues, anyone?


I'm quite sad to see the way syndicates treat your work, because I really think that "Girl" was a quite unique idea.
I fear that, by becoming a pair, this might come closer to your previous "Ozy & Millie" work - without the charisma of Ozy, if the syndicate just want something... let's say, with the same flavour than the other cartoons.
I strongly hope you'll find a way to impose your ideas !

From a French reader who really loves your work,


What is just so darned appealing yin-yang, boy/girl pairings of a two kids who march to their own drums? It's a core foundation that so many people build outwards from, including me.

I do think Zoey is a better name for your leading lady than Emma Jane. Stands out more.

Derrick Fish

I LOVE that "title" pic, with the name in the stars. Beautiful!

Erik Brooks

I'm not sure where I learned about your strip, but I was drawn in by the draftsmanship and the characters to be sure. I'm a children's book illustrator and have been experimenting with a strip of my own in my local paper, so its very interesting to hear a little more about the behind the scenes development and the syndication process. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get that spring '11 release!

Vuld Edone

Strange... I get the feeling that Max's hair attract the eye too much... anyway, let's give change a chance, the result may be better than Girl.

Dave Palmer

I think Max needs a stovepipe hat! Seriously, it's great to see that things are moving along, even if slowly. Can't wait to see what comes next.


I was always concerned they'd object to the title. I do think the new one is stronger, and speaks more loudly of Zoey's identity (I love that name!)


Thanks for sharing a bit of what happens behind the scenes!


But...the title is part of what hooked me! I'm glad you're getting paid, though.

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